Las Vegas Awnings
Launched February, 2023.
When Las Vegas Awnings approached us, they sought assistance with their existing website, which they felt did not accurately represent their company. They requested our expertise to create a significantly improved version.
Understanding their key priorities, our team strategically developed the website around crucial focal points: past clients, services, products, and FAQs. The goal was to educate potential clients about the services and products offered by Las Vegas Awnings while providing comprehensive information to address as many inquiries as possible, fostering a more informed and confident approach when reaching out to the company.
Our ultimate objective was to create a website for Las Vegas Awnings that not only evoked pride but also effectively showcased their exceptional products and services, driving sales. Since the site’s launch in February 2023, they have experienced a remarkable 40% increase in form submissions, leading to a surge in business activity.
Design Time: 6 weeks
Custom CSS Coding
Graphic Design
Heavy Schema Code